Monday, September 27, 2010

Free Teacher Professional Development Opportunity! / Oportunidad Para Los Maestros!

Closing the Achievment Gap:
Boys Will Be Boys
The research is clear—boys and girls acquire and process information in different ways and at different ages. Yet the majority of schools today continue to utilize instructional practices geared more towards the cognitive development and learning styles of girls. Consequently, boys continue to remain unplugged, unmotivated, and uninterested—making up a high percentage of reluctant readers, discipline problems, and high school dropouts. In order to truly impact academic achievement for all students, we must embrace and implement effective instructional practices that specifically address the cognitive and emotional needs of both boys and girls.

To read more and view videos, CLICK HERE

Closing the Achievment Gap
Summit Series: Boys Will Be Boys
Boys Will Be Boys is an engaging, interactive summit that provides valuable insights into the differences between male and female brain development. This summit explores specific instructional practices and strategies that support both male and female learners, thereby significantly impacting literacy achievement.

Summit topics include:

  • Understanding the brain research behind successful skill acquisition of both boys and girls

  • Screening and progress monitoring tools for skill acquisition assessment

  • Closing the achievement gap through strategic, results-driven, multi-tiered teaching and intervention strategies

  • Creating a continuum of Response to Intervention solutions

  • Building age-appropriate and motivating print-rich literacy experiences

  • Empowering boys to transfer literacy skills across content areas

  • Reducing retention and drop-out rates and increasing engagement and achievement

  • If your school or district is seeking better strategies for closing the achievement gap for all populations of learners, the Boys Will Be Boys Summit is for you! Select the date and time below that fit your schedule, and visit the registration page for event details.
    Upcoming Summits

  • October 13, 2010 Houston, Texas 11:00-2:00pm

  • October 14, 2010 Houston, Texas 11:00-2:00pm

  • October 14, 2010 Houston, Texas 4:30-7:300pm

  • Sponsored by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt at no charge for our invited guests.
    Space is limited!